- Fits directly on the cross slide of your lathe machine for Quick Turning of Cones and Balls
- Comes with a 1 Indexable TNMG16 Insert for best turning finish and results
- The maximum Ball Diameter possible is 38mm
- Epoxy black finish
- Sizes – 1/2″ Shank
- 1/2” Shank Fly Cutter Set
- Tool Body Size : ¾”,1-1/8”, 1-1/2″
- Shank Size : ½”
- Counterbalanced to get smoother finishes
- Machines upto 6” wide surface with standard tool bit
- Shiny black finish
- Sets supplied on wood stand
- Very handy for holding work when driving pins, drilling, etc
- V-groove across the face accommodates round and odd-shaped stock
- A smooth finish on the face preserves the work being held
- Hardened and ground-knurled body for a firm grip
- The recessed base for lightweight
- Unit is hardened & parallel to 0.0002″ & centered at both ends
- Re-align the tail stock on your lathe to eliminate that slight taper when turning over a long distance
- Useful for alignment tests between centers as well as in Morse taper spindles